Florida FGT's Services
Statistical Consulting
We plan, conduct, and analyze research studies such as
Green Carbon Solutions' biochar field trials.
We also advise on a range of statistical topics.

Quantifying and Forecasting
Bamboo Production in Florida
We plan, conduct, and analyze inventories of
Asper bamboo farms in central and southern Florida

Vacation Rentals
We book your accommodations at vacation resorts in popular US locations such as Orlando, Daytona Beach, Gatlinburg, and Colorado,
as well as worldwide.

E. grandis
Seed Orchard

E. grandis and
C. torelliana

C. torelliana
Seed Orchard

E. amplifolia
Seed Orchards

E. amplifolia
Seed Orchards

E. grandis

Phytoremediation of Reclaimed Water -
1.75-year-old E. grandis

Windbreak Projects

Water Conserv II

Citrus Windbreak

E. grandis/
C. torelliana
Windbreak - 5 years

E. grandis/
C. torelliana
Windbreak - 2.25 years

Biochar Research

Research Planning

Eucalyptus Productivity

Growth Modelling

Seed Orchard

Senator Cypress

Slash Pine Hybrid


Florida Bamboo Inventory System
for the
Florida Bamboo Growers Association
EG seed for southern and central Florida from a 5th-generation seedling seed orchard
E. amplifolia seed from a 1st-generation and two 2nd-generation seedling seed orchards
Corymbia torelliana seed from 1st-generation and 2nd-generation seedling seed orchards
Several well-tested cottonwood clones for central and northern Florida and the Southeast
Baldcypress and pondcypress seed from a 1st-generation seedling seed orchard
A cypress hybrid clone
Slash pine hybrids for southern Florida
To find out what species is right for a particular application, check the chart below.
Species Codes: Eucalyptus amplifolia (EA),
E. grandis (EG), Corymbia torelliana (CT), cottonwood (PD), cypress (TD), slash pine hybrid (EH).
Application EA EG CT PD TD EH
Mulchwood X X X X
Pulpwood X X X X
Posts/Poles X X X
Lumber X X X X
Medium Density Fiberboard X X
Energywood X X X X X
Phytoremediation X X X
Windbreaks X X X X
Ethanol/Diesel/Jet Fuel X X X X
Biochar X X X X
Carbon sequestration X X X X X X
Charcoal X X X
Honey X X X
For example, E. grandis (EG) is suitable for all applications.
When grown as short rotation woody crops (SRWC), EA, EG, PD, and TD can be harvested initially in 4 years or less and, through coppicing, several times thereafter without replanting.
Dr. Donald L. Rockwood, President of Florida FGT, has over 30 years of experience on the development and use of Eucalyptus amplifolia (EA), E. grandis (EG), Corymbia torelliana (CT), cottonwood, cypress, and slash pine hybrids in Florida and elsewhere. Also Professor Emeritus at the School of Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida, in Gainesville, he was responsible for the genetic improvement of several Short Rotation Woody Crop (SRWC) species, including the commercial release of five EG cultivars, and the development of SRWC systems using EA, EG, and cottonwood. He continues to conduct research on SRWCs and has published over 300 papers on SRWCs and related subjects.

Call, email, mail, or use the form below to contact us with any questions you may have.
352 256-3474
Florida FGT LLC, POB 357103, Gainesville, FL 32635-7103
Short Rotation Woody Crops
Eucalyptus and Corymbia species for pulpwood, mulchwood, energywood, bioproducts, windbreaks, ...
Assessing the economic feasibility of short-rotation woody crops in Florida
The benefits of windbreaks for Florida growers
Sustaining farm productivity through windbreaks
Microclimate modification by tree windbreaks in Florida farms
Microclimate patterns on the leeside of single-row tree windbreaks...
Phytoremediation of contaminated sites using woody biomass
Short-rotation woody crops and phytoremediation: Opportunities for agroforestry?
Field performance of alternative landfill covers vegetated with cottonwood and eucalyptus trees
Phytoremediation trees for biofuel
Ecosystem services of poplar at long-term phytoremediation sites...
Genetic Resources
Energy product options for Eucalyptus species grown as short rotation woody crops
Medically related products obtainable from Eucalyptus trees
Short rotation eucalypts: Opportunities for biochar
Evaluation of four different cultivars of Eucalyptus grandis for the production of ethanol ...
Optimal management and productivity of Eucalyptus grandis...: Influence of genetics and spacing
Silvicultural and genetic influences on planted cypress productivity
Woody biomass from short rotation energy crops
Field performance of ... propagules of three Eucalyptus grandis ortets
Slash pine hybrids with tropical pines...